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Skins: New Lesson!
New lesson is up in Skins section hope you will enjoy it, new lessons are coming soon!
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New lesson is up in Skins section hope you will enjoy it, new lessons are coming soon!
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I have a question about feedback. Should I send videos or gifs with animation in spine here and will there be feedback about them here? Or am I wrong?
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This post is from a suggested group
I see there are a Coming Soon sections. Is the course still in it's preperation stage ?
Hey yes sorry for that I have few lessons that are still in production. Skin lessons are on their way. All new lessons will be for free for students who already bought the course
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Hi there, just curious if there's any plan for adding subtitles in the course later on?
I think It will be a BIG help for ppl whose English is not their first language (yeah like me TWT) if subtitles are included in the video!
Hey, Unfortunately the platform I use for distributing the course does not have auto subtitles, baking subtitles in the video is not something i plan for now. 😌
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Hi! In the views section there is a problem with the graph and dopesheet video, when i try to watch it says "Video not found. Contact us for more information. ", can you please fix that? Thank you!
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Hi, just wanted to bring up these 2 issues that I found!
For this question in the Attachments quiz, I believe that the correct answer should be option 3 instead?
Also, in the Constraints quiz, there's a redundant question here:
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Just like the title said, in the Attachments section, I'm unable to mark the assignments as completed and I can't submit my answers for the quiz. The tips and tricks for Attachments also cannot be marked as completed. There is no complete step button nor a submit button at the bottom.
Just posting it here for awareness!
I removed locking the next steps so anyway you can play whatever lesson you wish. Thanks for reporting. I really appreciate it!
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Are the lessons "Weights View" and "Ree View" missing?
They show a time and when I click on them there comes a message "Video not found. Contact us for more information"
Oh sorry for that fixed, thanks for letting me know. Recording Skins section now will release soon
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